Anti-social behaviour
Are you having problems with your neighbours and anti-social behaviour?
Anti-social behaviour includes a wide range of unacceptable behaviour that affects the quality of life for customers and other people living in our areas. Don't suffer in silence.
- report it to us using online services My Lowther or call us on 0800 561 6666.
- if you are experiencing noise from 5pm till 3am call Community Safety Glasgow’s Anti-social Behaviour Noise Service on 0141 287 6688. You can also register a complaint outside these hours by calling on 0800 0273 901 or by email. If you live outside of Glasgow, your local authority will provide anti-social behaviour advice.
- If you think the dispute may be a criminal matter, you should contact Police Scotland by phone on 101 for non-emergencies or 999 for an emergency situation.
- In all other cases, if no other solution is available, you can get legal advice from your solicitor, a citizens advice bureau or your local law centre.