Latest news
Keep up to date with all of the latest news from Lowther.
Wheatley Group is to make an additional 1000 homes available to local authorities in Scotland to help tackle the homelessness crisis.
Work started this week on the £20.3 million regeneration of a former hotel in the east of Glasgow.
Lowther is set to improve how it lets homes for mid-market and full-market rent and how we support people to make the right choices about housing.
Scotland’s leading housing, care and property-management group welcomed Housing Minister Paul McLennan to Edinburgh to meet the tenant who moved into the landmark home.
Older tenants are beings urged to apply for a benefit that could be worth almost £4000 per year.
Scotland’s leading housing, care and property-management group has been recognised for reducing carbon emissions and developing sustainable communities.
The final tenants have moved into the last remaining Lowther homes at Raw Holdings in West Lothian.
Work has started this month on 71 new mid-market homes on the site of the former Shawbridge Arcade.
Wheatley Group has 50 education bursaries available for tenants and customers to go to university and college.
Planning permission has been granted for a £20.3 million transformation of a former hotel in the east of Glasgow.
Delighted tenants are loving their new homes at a development in East Calder.
Scotland’s biggest social landlord has helped tenants save more than £122,000 on their energy bills over the last six months.
Over 2000 customers from across Wheatley Group communities have signed up to use their voice and help improve services with their social landlord.
We take your complaints, comments and compliments very seriously and we always try to learn from them and your feedback.
More than 10,000 homeless people in Scotland will be provided with homes by 2026, figures from Wheatley Group have revealed.
The importance of housing as a career is the focus for this year’s Scottish Housing Day which takes place today, Wednesday 13 September 2023.
One of the largest affordable new-build developments in Scotland has been given the seal of approval by Housing Minister Paul McLennan.
A Scottish Government minister has praised Wheatley Group for increasing the range of housing available to rent across the country.
Customers of Wheatley Group have until 30 June to apply for an education bursary.
Architectural features on a B-listed hotel are to be preserved as part of a new £16.8 million regeneration plan for Gallowgate in Glasgow.
An education bursary scheme to help tenants living in some of Scotland’s most disadvantaged communities will reach a major milestone this year.
If you haven’t already done so, be sure to claim your £400 energy bill voucher before time runs out.
Due to the recent freezing weather, our Customer First Centre has received a high number of calls.
The Scottish Child Payment has increased – and has been extended to include all children under 16.
Make sure you don’t fall victim to fraudsters around the £400 energy bills discount this winter.
We’re looking to redesign our online services – and we need your help.
£6M cost-of-living fund will support over 20,000 tenants.
Wheatley communities are looking their best thanks to a pioneering partnership with one of the country’s leading environmental charities.
Wheatley Group has today (20 June 2022) pledged to support Ukrainian refugees fleeing the Russian invasion by offering 300 available homes to local authorities across Scotland.
A new course is launching in Glasgow this month giving people a taster of working in the construction sector.
A bright new era for housing has begun today (1 April) as Scotland’s largest social landlord, GHA, becomes known as Wheatley Homes Glasgow.
GHA’s transformation of a former stable block into 52 affordable homes has picked up yet another award.
A new benefit has been introduced by the Scottish Government to help parents of children with a disability or ill health.
A new benefit has been introduced by the Scottish Government to help parents of children with a disability or ill health.
A new benefit has been introduced by the Scottish Government to help parents of children with a disability or ill health.
Wheatley Group is urging customers worried about rising energy bills to get in touch.
An electric car club in Glasgow is on the road to success in time for its second anniversary – after customers travelled over 74,000 miles in only two years.
The stunning renovation of a stable block in Glasgow, which was once home to dozens of working horses, has picked up another prestigious property award.
Over 236 tonnes of furniture have been saved from being dumped or going to landfill thanks to a life-changing upcycling service from Wheatley Group.
Thanks for your patience as we continue to operate in line with government guidance.
Over 50 vulnerable men are to be offered new homes after a partnership enabled Lowther Homes, a subsidiary of Wheatley Group, to buy the Bellgrove Hotel, a private hostel in Glasgow’s East End.
A new Lowther development of affordable homes has already become a landmark for Govanhill in Glasgow’s south side.
Work has started on 70 new affordable homes on the site of a former primary school in Glasgow.
Work has started on a new affordable housing development in Glasgow.
Thanks for your patience as we continue to operate a restricted range of services, in line with government guidance.
Are you worried or have questions about Coronavirus? Expert help and advice from health care professionals and the Government is available.
School leavers have the chance to become Modern Apprentices with Scotland’s largest housing, property and care organisation.
Almost 200 new homes to rent are being brought forward by GHA as part of the regeneration of Sighthill.
Saving money using MySavings is now even easier – thanks to a new smartphone app.
Glasgow Housing Association (GHA) has started work on a second development of flats for affordable rent in Glasgow’s Merchant City.
First Minister Nicola Sturgeon visited GHA’s latest development of 152 affordable flats – and heard how the homes were giving tenants a bright new future.
The site of a former primary school in the south side of Glasgow has been transformed into 45 new affordable homes.
A stable block which was home to dozens of working horses in Glasgow has been transformed into 52 new flats for mid-market rent.
Work has started to transform a derelict site in the south side of Glasgow into much-needed affordable homes.
MySavings will cost you less, every day.
The first phase of a multi-million pound transformation of a community in Edinburgh has taken shape – and residents are delighted with their new homes.
Work has started on two projects which will provide 60 new affordable homes in Edinburgh.
Homes for mid-market rent in a new development in the East End of Glasgow were all snapped up in record time.
Sorry, but our online services – My Lowther – won’t be available on Saturday 30 June between 8am-7pm as we’re carrying out upgrades.
Click Lowther News to read our online issue.
A major regeneration project in Edinburgh has taken another step forward with work starting on 70 new affordable homes.
A major regeneration project in Edinburgh has taken another step forward with work starting on 70 new affordable homes.
The regeneration of the Gallowgate has taken a huge step forward as work has started on 143 new GHA homes in the area.
OUR Volunteer Plus partnership helped young people change their lives – and help others too.
Scotland’s leading housing, care and property management group has been recognised for outstanding customer service by a prestigious UK scheme.
Tenants can access cheaper energy thanks to Our Power – a ‘not for profit’ energy supply company.
A new improved £33 million repairs service is being rolled out to thousands of tenants and factored homeowners across Wheatley Group communities in the west of Scotland.
GHA unveils 105 affordable homes at Govan tram depot site as Wheatley announces further £65 million of private investment.
If you want to find a new career, improve your confidence and help make a difference to other people, then volunteering could be for you.
A new training course can help tenants increase their skills, land a job – and make a difference to other people’s lives.
Thousands of the most vulnerable and disadvantaged people in Scotland’s biggest city will be given a personal money mentor as part of a pioneering new scheme to tackle poverty and inequality.
Views are being sought on Glasgow's Draft Community Plan – covering everything from health and wealth to jobs and childcare.
Wheatley Group is highlighting an issue that is more widespread than many people think – hoarding.
We’ve launched a last call for applications for this year’s Modern Apprenticeships.
We're offering lifeline support to tenants and their families to pursue their dreams of going to university.
Children from some of Scotland’s most disadvantaged communities are to get their first experience of the theatre, thanks to a new partnership.
A stable block which was home to dozens of working horses in Glasgow is to be turned into flats for mid-market rent.
Ninety young people from some of Scotland’s most deprived communities are being given the chance to kickstart their career through new apprenticeships.
Work has started on 150 new homes as part of plans to transform a community in the south of Glasgow.
A new charitable trust targeting poverty and social exclusion in the most deprived communities in Scotland is set to reach up to 7000 people in its first year.
Ninety apprentices and trainees, including people from disadvantaged communities, are learning how to make Scotland’s neighbourhoods cleaner and greener.
Scotland’s largest social landlord launches its latest WinterReady initiative.
Lowther Homes is providing a lifeline for people looking to rent an affordable home – as new research shows working Scots are being priced out of the property market.
Scotland’s largest housing, care and property management group has doubled this year its number of Modern Apprentices.
Wheatley Group is looking for 45 young people who like working outdoors to become its latest apprentices.
Lowther Homes’ new apartments for rent in Yoker are being snapped up fast.
GHA has opened a new digital learning centre in Toryglen to give social housing tenants access to free online access and support.
Lowther Homes has further expanded its portfolio of affordable homes for rent with the acquisition of 21 new-build apartments in Hamilton.
A Glasgow teenager has told how knowing she had a place on an apprenticeship scheme gave her hope after being diagnosed with cancer.
Young people from disadvantaged communities are receiving vital mentoring support thanks to staff from Wheatley Group.
GHA's parent organisaton, Wheatley Group, is making a last call to recruit 37 new Modern Apprentices.
Nattalie McCulloch couldn’t believe her luck when she landed the keys to her new home.