Proprietors' meeting
Owners’ meetings are needed when changes are proposed to shared services or improvements to the shared property.
To ask for an owners’ meeting, you should fill in our online form or write to us at: Lowther, Wheatley House, 25 Cochrane Street, Glasgow G1 1HL.
As part of our property-management service, we'll invite all owners to a meeting, giving at least seven days’ notice of the proposed time and place of the meeting.
Where a decision is needed, a majority of property owners (both landlords and homeowners) must be at the meeting to vote.
If you’re not able to attend a meeting, you can appoint a representative to go for you. You'll need to fill in and send us a Representation Mandate form.
The owners at the meeting will appoint a chairperson. Following discussions, an owner from each property (or their representative) will be asked to vote on the proposals.
Part of our service will include arranging and taking minutes at the meeting. A vote will be taken and a majority decision will be binding. Landlords (for example Wheatley Homes Glasgow) who have tenants in the building will have a vote for each property they own.
If the majority of homeowners cannot agree on a decision, the chairperson will have the casting vote.
In the unusual event that any owners want to reconsider the outcome, they can ask us to arrange a new meeting and vote.