Changes to my account
Do you have a question about making changes to your account?
Check out our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) below to see if we have the answer. If you can't find the answer, get in touch.
What to do when someone named on the account dies?
We can remove the name from the account once you've confirmed to us in writing first. Please send us a copy of the death certificate so that we can make the necessary amendments.
The quickest way to send the death certificate to us is email.
You can also send it to us in the post to:
What to do when you get married?
We can update names on your account if you've been married once you've confirmed this to us in writing. Please send us a copy of your marriage certificate and a letter detailing the name changes that you would like to make to the account.
The quickest way to send the marriage certificate to us is email.
You can also send it to us in the post to:
How do I change property manager / Factor?
We believe we offer you good value for money and a professional service and hope you choose to stay with us as the most cost-effective property-management option for you.
However, if you want to consider changing property manager, for most customers, it is a straightforward process
- Ask for a meeting of all of the property owners to discuss your property-management options.
- Attend the meeting to vote for your choice of property manager
- If a new property manager is appointed, agree a date for the management responsibilities to pass to them
Find out more about how to change factor.