Do you have a question about payments?
Check out our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) below to see if we have the answer. If you can't find the answer, get in touch.
Do I have to sign up for Direct Debit?
Many customers are spreading the cost of their common charges and are paying monthly by Direct Debt, so we think this is the best way for you to pay your bills. It is not compulsory though and you can pay online or over the telephone.
What happens if my account is in arrears?
You can still sign up for Direct Debit. If you are unable to pay then please contact us to discuss how we can help and your payment options.
We will seek to recover any money owned. We will remind you of what you owe and will pursue any debt using a variety of measures.
How long does it take a Direct Debit payment to hit the customer's Lowther account?
It reaches account on the selected payment date each month or the first working day after.
What happens if stop paying my bills by Direct Debit?
You can cancel a Direct Debit at any time and the process is very straightforward. Simply contact your bank or building society and notify us at the same time.
The bank or building society can generally make the cancellation up to and including the due date, but customers should try not to leave it until the last minute or a payment may be taken.
Cancelling the Direct Debit simply stops payments from coming to us. You will need to make alternative payment arrangements.
What accounts can be paid by Direct Debit?
You can pay all account types by Direct Debit.
How do I set up a Direct Debit?
Changing to Direct Debit only takes four simple steps:
1. Print out a blank Direct Debit mandate.
2. Complete it with the following information:
- name and address of your bank or building society
- your bank or building society account number and sort code (you find these on your chequebook or bank statement)
- the name(s) on the account (if it’s a joint account we will need both names and signatures).
- your common charge account number (it's on your quarterly bill or online account)
- tick which date you want the payment to be taken from your bank account
- the property address
3. Once you have checked all the details are correct, you should sign and return the mandate by post to: The Direct Debit Team, Wheatley House, 25 Cochrane Street, Glasgow, G1 1HL.
4. We will then send advance notification of the collection date and amount before the first collection. You should check these details are correct.
How often do I get billed?
Common charge accounts are issued quarterly. Accounts are issued in January, April, July and October at the start of each quarter.
If repairs are carried out, an invoice will be issued within one month of completion.
Can someone pay bills on my behalf?
Yes, anyone can pay as long as they have the correct account details.
Why have I received a reminder?
We send reminders when there is an outstanding balance due on your accounts.
If you've already paid your outstanding balance, you may receive a reminder due to the timescale of when you paid your balance and when we process reminders.
Some payment methods take longer to reach us. If you have paid via bank or paypoint this can take up to 5 working days to reach your account.
If you have already paid and the payment has not been applied to your account within five working days, please provide some evidence of the payment (e.g bank statement, printout from online banking, paypoint receipt, etc) to help us trace your payment.
The easiest way to pay is by direct debit, if you would like to pay this way get in touch.
What bills can I pay online?
You can pay:
- your common charge account
- your common repair account
- your common improvement invoice
- your contents insurance account.
Do I need a password for paying without registering?
You don't need to create an account or login so there's no password to remember. Each visit to the site is separate so you have to enter your details each time.
Do I need to give my contact details when I pay using the non-registered online payment method?
Yes, but we'll only use your contact details if we have to contact you regarding your payment.
Can I manage or view my account using the non-registered payment method?
No, but it will show the outstanding balance on the account you wish to pay.