Rights and responsibilities

A successful applicant will be offered a tenancy – a legal contract outlining the responsibilities of the tenant and us as the landlord.

The tenancy agreement includes:

  • the term (duration) of the tenancy
  • the rent payable
  • procedures for rent review
  • the landlord’s responsibilities for repairs and maintenance, covering structure and interior, installations, access and insurance
  • the tenant’s responsibilities for repairs and maintenance, covering miscellaneous repairs, notice of repairs, interior, neglect and gardens
  • the tenant’s right of succession, where applicable, and procedures for ending the tenancy
  • the tenant’s rights to information and consultation.

What you need to do

Find out your rights and responsibilities as a customer of Lowther Homes.

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What we need to do

Find out our rights and responsibilities as a letting agent.

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Moving out?

Is your tenancy coming to an end? Here's what you need to do.

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Bins and cleansing

Who is responsible for issues about bin collections, wheelie bins and bulk items?

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