FAQs - Factoring

Do you have a question about factoring with Lowther? Check out our factoring FAQs

Written Statement of Services and annual charges

Do you have a question about the Written Statement?

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Building insurance

How much does it cost? What is covered? What isn't covered?

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Capital improvements

How to get major improvements made to your home.

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Changes to my account

What we need to know if someone changes name or passes away.

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We need consent from the majority of owners to allow repairs to go ahead.

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Contents insurance

Do you have questions about our content insurance? Check out our FAQs.

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Gardens and backcourts

What to do if there is bulk left in your garden or you have overhanging trees.

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Ongoing maintenance

What is planned maintenance and who instructs it?

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How often are bills sent out? What are the benefits of Direct Debit? Find out.

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Property management

Why do you need a property manager? Do you know what a Title Deed is? Find out more.

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What could happen if you fail to maintain your home?

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What is a representation mandate and who can represent you? Read more.

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Rights and responsibilities

Why is it important to maintain your home? What happens if you don't?

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